
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Nice lecture by Professor Nori

Today we had another thought provoking lecture by Professor Nori. I would try to summarize the lecture which was not a thing someone could have missed. I say this more and more because I feel the way he speaks with all experience in his life, anyone would be inspired.

1) We Indians have developed this habit of working under someone, We have been doing it so long and so succesfully that we often miss the chance to see, that we can be technology creators too, Rather than always being a follower.
2) Technology creation gives someone a lead which is not otherwise possible by just immitating the technology, he gave the idea of PDA11's immitation that was tried in India and which failed. The product failed because they had only very limited knowledge of the Architecture, which was sufficient to emulate the current one, but what would they do when the newer version comes out.
3) The reason for Americas Economic sucess is the small time they take in coverting an idea of R&D in to product. In India we have very seldom people trying for R&D and people want to be safe with just doing service as it gives instant result, R&D requires repeated attempts before tasting any success.
4) We need to think broad and before that realize that we can do so. He gave the exam of JAVA's architecture creation wrt to creation of something similar for Banks. Something like a specific computer which is specialized for banks.
5) He disked about the book "Discipline of Programming" by Diakstra , in which he discusses the GCM problem and gives a sulution rather gives his approach towards the problem. He said you may think as why he must have choosen this approach, you may also try to think of some other suggestion.
I will try to add more points to this later. You can also post your coment about this .

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